- HubSpot
- HubSpot integrations partner
- HubSpot & Exact integration
Exact Online
Exact Online is a cloud software solution for finance, ranging from account and risk management, to financial project administration. These financial solutions can be integrated with Exact Software’s provided ERP, HRM and CRM solutions.
HubSpot is a CRM platform that provides a 360° view, which enhances and optimizes the work of customer-facing departments. Their performance relies on these tools that are dedicated to their section.

Integration Details

why integrate them
Integrating both platforms will ensure that your back office and commercial teams work efficiently together, supported by technology that aligns the processes of your entire business. Make your commercial teams more efficient by syncing data between HubSpot and Exact Online and eliminating the manual entry of data in each tool.

our methodology
Our digital business engineers at Elixir approach each project differently but maintain the same outcome: We make this complex integration look simple for the end-user. We will get everyone on board, guide them through the integration process and apply the best practices to achieve project success.